This week we have had "Prayer Revival" at my church. It started during our Sunday School hour. So we have been preached too and exhorted for 7 separate times on the subject of "PRAYER". The Evangelist was Bro. Benny Beckum.
Last night I was so convicted in my heart that I have not prayed when I have told people that I would pray for them. I can't count the times I have read a blog and said"I will pray for you" and did not. I did not take it seriously enough. Sometimes I may have forgotten, other times, I just did not pray. You may have been one of these persons. You may be a friend, family or a stranger. It does not make a difference. I took this most precious, priviledge and command from God "flippantly".
Dear readers, I apologize to you for not praying for you when I said I would. I am sorry that I did not follow through with your request. I am sorry that I said something and then did not do it. My heart is heavy this morning when I think of all the times I could have done this and the missed opportunities to uphold you and yours in prayer. Please forgive me.
In the future I plan to blog with a notebook. I want to keep track of requests and answers. There is so much to this "praying mandate". I have to take this seriously, God does.
This apology is truly heartfelt. It was a struggle this morning to even sit down and type, yet, I knew the Lord spoke to me about it last night.
Love you all,
1 Timothy 2:1-3 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
***I debated on approving the comments. I did not want this to seem like I was calling attention to myself. The reason I approved them is there are many of us in this situation and ideas were given that I thought were beneficial for all to see. Thank you for your kind words and your forgiveness.