A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 25:11

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Best for us

When we pray, we should,
first of all, pray that God's will
would be fulfilled through our lives.
We shouldn't pray simply to obtain things for ourselves,
but we must pray according to God's will.
God only wants what's best for us,
and we should pray for His will to be done.
--Paul Chappell


Deborah said...

Amen! Have a wonderful day!

Heart2Heart said...


So true and a firm believer that we should be bold in our prayer requests as well. God delights in providing for His children just like a parent does for their child, all in accordance to His perfect will.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

David C Brown said...

"if we ask him anything according to his will he hears us", 1 John 5: 14. It's fine to know that he hears us!

Vi Abing said...

Amen to that!!!!

Barbara said...

Amen Deby, thank you for this hugs my friend, Barbara

Miss Gracie's House said...

Hi Deby...such true words here...and so needed to keep perspective...THANK YOU so much for your kindness and for rejoicing with me!
PS...did you paint your new piece yet?!