This is MY BEST NEWS ever..it can be yours TOO
I have claimed for many years....approximately 40 or so....to be a Christian.I have gone to many different denominations and feel like I am FINALLY being
grounded in a Independent fundamental Baptist Church. I have been listening to preaching
with such conviction that a work had begun in my heart.
Something was missing....I knew the Bible, had walked many an aisle, knew the songs, the lingo,
even LEAD people to the Lord. I had deceived MANY and most of all myself. The conviction
had started.....with wonderful preaching from the pulpit at my church...from reading some postings on blogs,and other things....you know what....do you know what I KNEW, in my HEART...
"I WAS NOT SAVED"....I knew it....denied it....I knew that if I were to die, I could NOT tell you 100% that I was going to heaven. I would try to muster it up....I had to keep face with friends and most of all family.I had played the church game well, but I was NOT SURE....
Tonight after our evening service my beloved husband and I met with our Pastor....to find out where we would
fit in at the church and what our interests and desires were. I knew I could not leave there without sharing with my Pastor the struggles I was having in my heart. I KNEW I had never truly repented in my heart....and after many tears I prayed and asked Jesus in my heart....I asked HIM to forgive me for my sins, I thanked HIM for taking my sins on Himself for me.....I truly became BORN AGAIN and now I KNOW it....It was as IF something lifted off my heart that I foolishly having been carrying way too long. I , before tonight was sincere, but I have been sincerely WRONG...and the enemy has liked that.
To all of you whom I have deceived in saying the right words, etc...I would ask your forgiveness to pretending to be something I was not. And I would ask that you too would MAKE sure that you are saved. As we were finishing our time together I told my pastor that I felt like something lifted off of me and he sang that first line from the hymn *Burdens are lifted at Calvary*..
and indeed they were lifted for this 50 something lady
ALSO..to Mrs. B whose testimony has been part of this process and also Julie whose salvation post...also to the website Lehigh Valley Baptist church, other women who's testimony is so similiar to mine that have shared it with many others,and especially to my Pastor, Pastor Bob Reno I would say THANK you....I so appreciate your listening to the Lord's leading as you have all shared in what has been a few rough weeks for me.
I am so excited to finally KNOW in my heart....That I ,DEBY, am truly a Daughter of the KING....and am no longer playing the part.
That is so awesome, I just got chills up and down my spine. I know that I am 100% sure I am saved. I am glad that you posted this. Maybe someone else will get saved. I am so happy for you! Our God is good, always even when we don't understand. He loves us, even when we are disobedient children. He loves us even before we were Christians. I am so glad that you got this right. I am so encouraged, that there are others who have the same problem. I pray that God shows them before it's too late. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Praise the Lord!! Wooooooooooohooooooooooo!!!! (Shouting to the Lord!!) Amen!!! The devil lost another one!! Wooooooohoooooooo!! I'm so thankful that you let us know this wonderful news!! Thank God you got it settled. I'm afraid there are many who are doing as you have been...playing the part knowing there is no real substance to what they proclaim. I'm so thankful to the Lord that you didn't continue on like you were. And to think that the Lord let me be of help in you discovering this and getting it settled encourages me. This is the most wonderful news of the day, week and even year for me. Praise His name!! I'm so happy for you Sis. Deby. Now you are really my Sister!! I would that I could be there to hug you right now...but since I can't...this will have to do!!
I love you and will be praying for you as you share your testimony with others. I know God is going to use you to help others who no doubt are going through the same thing you have been lately!!
WOW!!! What an incredible blessing. That was a good way to start off my day. :) It is always a blessing to hear when other people truly experience LIBERTY in salvation!
You might be interested in reading my mom's salvation testimony at:
She deceived herself, even as a pastor's wife!, for over thirty years.
I didn't see that until after I posted the comment. I was just so excited!!!! I called my mom in, and we read your post together. What a wonderful way to start our day!
If you don't mind, I would like to send your link to our church family. I know everyone would love to rejoice with you!
Praise the Lord!!!!
What a blessing to read this morning!!!
Praise the Lord!
Couldn't help thinking of this song as I read your post!
By Eric Repleoeg
Could it be that up in Heaven God is sitting at his throne
anticipating another sinner will soon become His own?
ears of wasted living and years of toil and strife
are just about to be over as he receives the gift of life.
Go sound the horns strike up the choir
a sinner is saved, saved from the fire.
No more in darkness he’s received my Son
all heaven’s rejoicing that’s the Value of One!
The Holy Spirit has been working to soften up their hearts
all He needs is a willing servant to simply do their part.
Imagine up in Heaven the joy there’ll be that day
as the sinner bows his head to pray can’t you hear the Father say:
Go sound the horns strike up the choir
a sinner is saved, saved from the fire.
No more in darkness he’s received my Son
all Heaven’s rejoicing that’s the Value of One!
Start construction on his mansion there on Hallelujah Street
he doesn’t know yet what is waiting when his Saviour he will meet.
Go sound the horns strike up the choir a sinner is saved,
saved from the fire. No more in darkness he’s received my Son
all Heaven’s rejoicing that’s the Value of One!
All heaven’s rejoicing that’s s the Value of One!
praise God!!
I am so happy for you. I could not have wished for a better post anywhere in blog world today.
I'm glad that you feel a peace now, Deby. May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Praise God!!!! The angels are rejoicing in Heaven over you Deby!!
Thank you SO much for being honest enough to admit something most people wouldn't dare to admit. I just know you feel so clean inside!! I still remember my cleansing and it is good!
I am rejoicing with you!! May God use your testimony to bring others into His Kingdom. :-)
Wish I could wrap my arms around you and give my new sister-in-Christ a BIG HUG! Love you!
Rachel....this comment is for you and your momma. Praise the Lord for His neverending mercy and grace. What a blessing to go to the link you gave and read your momma's testimony. I've seen many preacher's wives (missionary and pastor's wives) that have gotten born-again after living the type of life you described. I rejoice just as much if not more at the amazing grace God shows us. To see anyone saved is a true miracle...but to see someone who was raised in church and is serving the Lord in the ministry as a preacher's wife is more of a miracle to me. Thank you for sharing the link to that page of your momma's testimony. It blessed my heart and I know there are many that need to read it. I just pray that they will.
That is such wonderful news hon! My hubby struggled the same way for years. He is the one who got me into church and everything too. Yet years later he realized he was not truely saved. After he prayed through and was baptized a change began in him and now a few years later he is a different person!
Oh, Deby, that is such a sweet testimony. Praise the Lord! And I love how your Pastor sang to you. :o)
Oh Deby!!!!!!!!!
Praise the Lord!!!!!!
And like Julie, I'm so excited and humbled that He allowed me to pay a small part in helping you realize your true soul condition.
Stories like yours is why I continue to blog.....
{{{HUGS!!!}}} my sister in Christ!
^^blushes^^ Oops--I meant to say 'play' such a small part, NOT 'pay'.
My brain was going faster than my fingers! (o;
God bless you dear one.
YEA!!!!! This is the best post I've read in Blogland in a LONG time!
These are my favorite kinds of stories to hear! Just this past week at our church, a 76 year old lady got saved! Everyone thought she was--even SHE thought she was. Actually, she was one of the people who helped found our church years ago. God still works MIRACLES!!!
I'm so happy for you, Deby--and I know that your story will help many come to truly really accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior.
What wonderful News!!!!!!!!!!!
I know you are feeling so light now that you could float straight up to Heaven....God is Good All the time... and All the Time God is Good...
So very happy and rejoice with you on your true Salvation!!!!!!!!!
I am praying for you in your new and complete walk with Christ......
What wonderful news! If I could I would give you a big hug!! I'm so happy for you, words can't even tell.
Love you bunches! ((Hugs))
Welcome to the 'family'! I'm so happy for you to have taken this step of surrendering yourself to Christ.
Praise the Lord!!!!What a wonderful testimony you now have. I am so glad that you made 100% sure that you were saved. Your testimony gave me chills when I was reading it. I will be praying for you.
I'm here from Mrs. B.'s. So glad to read this testimony! Amen! May others who only think they are saved find the truth as well.
Oh, Deby, I am SO thrilled for you! I was in your exact same shoes 14 years ago, before I made sure of my salvation. I know that burden you talked about, and I know that wonderful lifting of that same burden! Praise the Lord!
I'm so glad that you have "blessed assurance" now. Welcome to the family dear sister!
Reading this brought happy tears to my eyes. I'm rejoicing with you!
Mrs. C
I was pointed to your blog by Mrs. B.
Praise the Lord!!!
What a wonderful post filled with many emotions, truth and in the end God's glory in what the enemy wanted to take for himself!
Blessings to you!
Oh, ((Deby)) ~ I am so glad that you came to true salvation and can boldly claim with certainty "I AM SAVED!" There is nothing else like it. Praise God for His mercy and grace!!
Praise the Lord for your assurance!
Glad this has given you the Peace you have been searching for...Isn't Gods peace so Awesome. Thank God we can never lose our Salvation, we are saved by Grace not of works. I know both our churches preach that....
Love Ya,
Lisa <><
My goodness, I have chills all over!! I saw your comment on Sue's Praise and Coffee site. I loved your name and thought, I must go by and say Hello. Well, I am so glad I did! Welcome, Sister to all the treasures of the kingdom! May Chris come and do some mighty things through you and in your family.
Love in Him,
Mom... your post was wonderful and I know it had been a burden on you for a while. Only you and God truly know your heart and glad for that load being lifted!
I love you!!
Your #1 daughter (ok, your only daughter, but still #1)
This is SOOO exciting! We have recently had some teenagers in our church that had a very similar testimony, and it always is thrilling to see someone humble themselves and accept Christ as their Saviour. I'm so happy for you!
What a wonderful testimonial! Thank you for this post and I hope it really touches someone that might have been feeling the way you were.
Have a blessed day - oh, wait a minute - every day in the Lord is a blessed day!
Sandy :)
What a wonderful way for me to start my day this morning reading YOUR testimony!!! PRAISE GOD
There is no doubt that you are truly saved now......you could not have stepped forward and written this post had you not been.
GOD is so faithful.
I tried to comment yesterday, but Blogger wouldn't let me, so maybe it will today.
This is just wonderful news, Deby... the best news ever, as you said! I just know that the Lord is going to use this testimony mightily in someone's life. Praise His holy name!
God bless,
Deby! I was no expecting to come here and be blessed so! How wonderful that God has revealed Himself to you at long last and saved your soul! If there is anything worth rejoicing about in this life this is it! May the Lord bless and keep you and help you to remain steadfast in Him!
Deby, I am so excited and happy for you. My heart runneth over with joy. May your days as a christian be one that brings glory to the Lord Jesus Christ and brings you a life of joy, peace and happiness, and I know it will. Thank God for loving us. I love you. connie from Texas
WOW! Praise God! You are not the first one. At the church we were attending before Rob became the Pastor at Hilltop-a lady in her 50s went up to the alter and truly became saved. She did so as a teen but wanted to be sure she was and she is a very active lady in the church and has always seemed to be sincere...but as you can say..you can be sincerely wrong. We had a couple of younger ladies that did the same thing a few years ago. The devil can us those doubts against us and convince us we are saved and then we don't do anything about it. I have those doubts too-I'm always afraid that I'm not as sincere as I appear to be which is why I try to stay in a constant state of prayer so that I am sincere. Believe me-I'm not perfect and I have A LOT to work on in my spiritual life. I'm proud of you. Mind if I copy your testimony onto my blog to reach others? God bless you and I'll be praying for you! I have a new blog-check it out...www.family-fixins.blogspot.com
WOW! I have goose bumps and tears! I'm so thrilled! Praise God! I can't wait to share this with my family. I needed this testimony today. The power of God is still so alive and well. Thank God for good preaching from the Word by godly men! Oh Deby how this news has thrilled my soul! Thank you for finally giving up pride. I know how hard it is, for you see, I have a very similar testimony as you. I have been intending on posting it for some time, but want it to be just right. I didn't want to feel hurried in writing it out. This has encouraged me nad shown me how others need to hear (or read) our testimonies!! OOOH the devil is mad now!
Praise The Lord!!!! Another sister in Christ has come into our family. All the angels are playing the trumpets, the Lord is rejoicing, saying: she found me!.
I will be praying that this fever for our God never dimishes; that He will continue to grow and water this seed that He has planted in your heart and soul.
Blessings, dear sister... maria
Congratulations Sister. Thanks for sharing your testimony.
Stop over by my place to celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month.Leave your comments for prayer, praise and remembrance.
The angels are dancing in heaven! Welcome to the family!
yes you just know that you know that you've been born again ;]
Deby! Woman! Amazing! Love you!
And will see you tonight!
Praise the Lord!
What a joy and BLESSING to read all this. God bless you, dear Deby. I kept trying to get over here but I think there was a teeny typo in your url, but I found you anyway!!
Rejoicing with you over your NEW life in HIM. What a testimony to His saving grace! We can know about Him, or we can actually know Him! Isn't it wonderful?
SO very happy for you! I got saved at 14 after "pretending" I had been saved at 6. IT's relief to know that my name is written in Heaven! Thank you God!
Thank you for your sincere and beautiful post. I pray that many will read and heed.
God bless you, and I pray your spiritual growth will delight you as much as mine has delighted me.
I am in Bellingham, WA.
Wonderful entry on Sunday night! God is good--ALL of the time!
Deby, you made me cry! Praise the Lord, I'm rejoicing with you! I also had a false profession before I was converted. God was gracious to help me, and lead me to His salvation. What a precious wonderful Saviour we have!
Praise God, this was wonderful to read. He gets us in the end!
May this be the beginning of a time of rich annointings as you come to know His life in and through you in a real way.
It is wonderful news to hear that you knew and did something about it. So many people let pride get in the way but you humbled yourself and God will reward you for the lives you have blessed with your testimony.
Praise the Lord. saved by grace .. . what a blessing.
Praise God, That's Wonderful news!
that is so awesome!!!!
How wonderful! God's grace is boundless.
Oh Hallelujah!! I know this is late but I was reading past posts in your blog. How wonderful to know FOR SURE that you will spend eternity with Jesus!
Praise the Lord! It is amazing how different things are when you KNOW that you know.
I just read your comments on my blog. Thank's for stopping by. I'm glad to have you here. And congratulations on giving your life completely to God. There is nothing better you can do in life.
God bless you,
Elizabeth JOy
AAAAamen Sister. Thank you so much for sharing this. Praise the Lord!
Just lovely. Thank you for sharing this.
Praise God!! He is SOOO good!
The sacrifice Jesus Christ took on for anyone that may believe is just beyond comprehension...but I accept this free gift!! I'm so undeserving but I accept it! Thanks for sharing your story....may God use it for His glory!!
Well, I don't know if you need another comment on this post, lol, but I just *have* to leave one! What a wonderful blessing to read this, I have heard this kind of testimony more and more these days. Praise His holy name!!
I was so happy to read your good news.That feeling of peace from knowing Jesus Christ as your personal savior is so sweet. God is so good. I love the Lord and I love hearing good stories like this.
Thank God I'm saved and so are you sweet Deby my sister In Christ.
Your life will be changed and ever changing now, all for the better! Your understanding of Scripture will be transformed!
Hallelujah! God is great!
I read this post first before I read your most recent post everytime, I just love to read it again and again!
You are a great witness.....
This is wonderful. I am so excited to hear this. I'm so happy the Lord is faithful to lead each one of us to Himself. You were listening and longing for Him. What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing this. So how long have you truly known that you are saved? I remember when I finally believed and repented, I was 20 years old. I'm so thankful to be saved. In Him, Kathi
I am rejoicing with you dear sister! Praise the Lord!
Hello my new friend!! Thank you so much for stopping by and visiting my blog. I was so blessed when DEborah asked me to be a part of her Friendship Fridays. It's a great way to find new blogger friends.
I read your testimony and was so blessed and touched by it. You have such a pure heart and it takes a lot of courage to admit you had it wrong. God is so good. He never let you go!!! what a precious Saviour we serve!
Yes, please lets keep in touch and get to know each other more. I will be adding you to my favourite places to visit.
I pray you have had a wonderful day. God bless,
hugs from Sandra in New Zealand
Thanks for sharing such an amazing testimony with us! I am so glad that God never gives up on us! What a blessing you are. I miss you.
That is great, and that you feel the freedom to share that with us! I have come to the point that I feel that salvation is ongoing, because at what point do we stop repenting, and at what point do we stop trusting our Saviour? You have worked out your salvation with fear and trembling...something that I never want to stop doing!
Thank you so much for sharing your moving testimony! It is a wonderful story of God's grace.
Oh, this is wonderful, Deby! Thank you for inviting me to read it. It is so exciting! God is so good. :-)
I found your blog from Susan Hutchen's blog. I, too, have a testimony similar to yours. I was so scared what people would think and had to apologize also for deceiving others. From age 12 until I was 28 i played the church game and knew what to say, etc. Praise the Lord! I went to church in your area. I went to and got married at Bible Baptist Church right around the corner from your church. However, my family and I live in oregon now. Blessings to you.
Deby, Thank you so much for visiting my blog when you do. What a testimony here! Wow! It takes guts to go ahead and get saved after so many years...but the result of not doing it would be tragic! Glad to read that repentance was part of it--something left out these days. (My 8-year-old son accepted the Lord as his Saviour last night. It's such a blessing.) Thanks also for your stand on the good ole KJV! ; )
Deby, Wonderful! You were saved on my birthday!!! I have a similar testimony. After being a pastor's wife for about 5 years, and after years of doubtin, I got it settled too! My husband sings the song "It's Real", and often introduces it as his wife's testimony! It IS REAL now! Bless you, Gail
I've been reading your blog for a little while before I read your "story" and whilst I feel happy for you I do wish I could have that same acceptance and belief that you have. It must be so wonderful to have that inner peace and love in your heart.
Dear Jane...Anonymous...
You are on my prayer list....I want"THIS PEACE" for you too. I have learned that life is toooo short, we have no guarantees. At the bottom of my blog is the WAY to get "HIS" peace...it is nothing I muster up, it has been only through accepting Jesus as my Saviour. I repented of my sins and asked HIM to forgive me. I have a link on my blog to my email. I would encourage you to NOT live another day without the Lord....I know I am going to Heaven one day...this knowing..has brought the peace...there is nothing else more important to me, than my salvation. ....dear one...yes, indeed..you are being prayed for..
Thank you so much for your reply, I can't tell you how much it's appreciated.
Feelings are hard to put into words right now but I'm thankful for your words.
Janet (the anonymous "Jane" - I didn't realise I'd missed the last letter until after I'd sent it!)
I did try to email you with my thanks but for some reason it wouldn't go there.
Thank you again for your comforting words.
Janet...I am writing this to you. If you leave a comment with your email, I won't publish the comment but will have your email address...I will then email you, if you want...and I will also then take this comment off of this post...
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