First Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
I wish I could send a thank you gift to EVERYONE who reads my blog, but of course I cannot.
I wish I could send a thank you gift to EVERYONE who reads my blog, but of course I cannot.
So this is how I am going to work my RANDOM giveaway.
I have a GRAND PRIZE.....and two smaller prizes...
plus at least 5 consolation prizes..not pictured. on pictures too see
better what is included
1. You get your name in the drawing once for commenting on this BLOG post
2. Your name will go in a 2nd time IF you post this with a link to my blog ON YOUR BLOG.
3. IF you do any of the above, then I am going to re-read through ALL of my PAST comments and your name WILL go in AGAIN for EACH time I see that you posted on my blog comments.
It is my way of really saying thank you for the faithful commenters
IT starts today....Saturday the 15th of Sept.and ends Friday night.Sept. 21st....I will draw the winners by Monday the 24th...IF not sooner.
You have 48 hours to contact me with you address, which I will keep secure.Or I will re-draw......NO EXCUSES.......I am using the following email for this giveaway :
feel free to email ahead of time if you are going to be gone or busy in case you win.
I am an honest person and will not use your addy for any other purpose.IF you comment anonymously or do not have a blog please sign your name or it won't count.
IF you have multiple blogs. please don't do multiples, I am trying to be fair.
Thank you...thank you...I have been encouraged and challenged by so many of you to grow in my walk with the Lord. I pray that blogging has done that for you as well. We serve a great GOD.....
Pick Me Auntie Deby!
Way to Go Aunt D on post 100! That is great. Great Blog Candy Too!
There you are, I have been wondering how you are.
Congrats on your 100th post.
What a wonderful blog and such special give-a-way gifts!!
Congratulations on your 100th post!! And what fun goodies you're giving away!--How generous of you. (o:
Congratulations, Deby, and those are such pretty things you are giving away.
I am in. I need your address again. Please send to
Thanks for the comment. I love the blog candy. Thanks for being a great Christian. I am also a KJV fan only.
I am going to post you on my blog as well. I love your blog.
Your site is great. It is convicting, which is very good. Thank you for reminding us, that our main job as Christians is to reach the lost. I really love your site. I like the post about the cell phone or Bible. Thanks so much for encouraging and helping Christians to spread God's Word and read it for them selves.
Do you know about audio bible? Alexander Scoby will read the KJV any chapter that you want. It is a great site. It also keeps track of how many chapters that you have read.
Thank you for visiting my blog today.....
I stopped in to visit yours and see you are having a giveaway! What wonderful prizes!
So sweet of you to have such a nice blog give-away --- please add my name to your list!
Thank you!!!!
Here is my entry and also I posted about it on my blog with a link to your that is 2 entries! =)
Thak You for visiting my blog :) I love your blog and The Pray for our authorites banner.
Cute Blog Candy!
God Bless,
I remember your post about your story (having fibro), contentment and your mobile home. May I say that I can relate on several levels and that contentment is something I am trying to be aware of every day as well. Thank you for sharing that and congrats on your 100th post!
Whoopee! count me in. I will link to you tomorrow when I am more awake!
Hopy your fibromyalgia is behaving!
From one Deb to another, thanks for commenting n my blog. Congratulations on your 100th post! I'll try the cinnamon in our coffee too!!
Thank you for visiting my blog. So nice to meet you. I would love to enter you give away!!! Congrats on your 100 postings...and to many more!!!
Blessings in Christ,
thank you for visiting my blog today.. and for picking up the request to pray for my friend pat... I am so new to visiting your blog you can enter my name but of course I don't expect to win anything... I will just enjoy the visits with you.. please come back to visit me again
Hi Deby,
Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog for a visit! Wow, that's cool that you went to Emilie B.'s house for a "More Hours In My Day" seminar!
Congratulations on your 100th post! It's very sweet and generous of you to do such a nice give-away :)
Just found your blog. Congrats to your 100th post. thanks for the chance.
How fun!!! You really have your work cut-out for you...
I will b sure to put this on my blog RIGHT NOW and then- Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho. It's off to church I go!
Have a great Sunday praising Him!
Congratulations on your 100th post! What a generous giveaway too ~ 3 prizes!!
I'll be posting this giveaway to my blog right NOW!
Have a fabulous week.
Sandy :)
Count me in! Congrats on the 100!
Wow! How nice, and generous!
God bless,
Ccongratualtions on making it to 100 posts! That is quite an accomplishment. I bet it's easier now that when you first started.
Thank you for all your insights and taking the time to share with us.
May God richly bless you!!!
What a sweet gesture! Thank you.
hi Deby, Just followed your comment back form my blog and found yours! What a great blog, and I love finding other Christian women online like this:>) Thanks for your comments, I so enjoy meeting new friends. While I am here, please enter me in your great give-away! Looks like some really fun stuff!
Hello!It`s bee great visiting your blog!Got your address from Christian Homekeeper!Hope you pick me!~~~Toni
Sandy sent me over. Nice giveaway! Thanks so much for doing this.
Sandy sent me over. Nice giveaway! Thanks so much for doing this.
I would love to enter! What a wonderful giveaway!
Mrs. U
what a cool thing to do ...
and Lord bless YOU and continue to make your blog a blessing!
This is such a good idea Sis. Deby. I hope you have fun with it. It looks like you are giving away some very nice prizes. I'm so glad I found you or rather that you found me. You've been a blessing to me with your comments on my site and with the posts you put up here.
I'm going to post on my blog right now about your give-away. How sweet of you!
Hello again Deby, Congratulations on your 100th post! I found out about your giveaway on Sandy's blog and I'll also do the same on my blog about your give away. You are so very generous and I do love your blog!
Good for you!! I wish everyone the best of luck.
I do not enter things, and if I accidently win will donate. Live in too small of home.
Love that you separated the way for the winners to be picked!
100th post.....Great Job!!!!I will post your give away to my blog tomorrow...Love all the stuff your giving away.
Love Ya,
Lisa <><
Congrats on the 100th post! Sandy sent me over to take a peek! Lovely just lovely! I wish I knew how to post a link but alas I do not. But thanks for sharing some lovely stories with us all. And how generous of you on this giveaway. Well...have fun and I will visit again. Thanks again and nice to meet you!
well! I did it I figured how to post your link! Yippeee! Just wanted to brag a quick moment! Take care!
Oh, my! The first place prizes would sure come in handy writing letters to my ladies at the Christian Victorian Ladies Society! The more I write to them, the more I want to be creative!
Yes, I'll link you, would you link me?
I found you via RoboMargo to Robyn to you! :o)
Adorable blog!
Can't wait to read all you archives! :o)
Congrats on the 100th post. Robyn sent me over!
Came to your blog through a friends.
Congrats on your 100th post.
What great give aways.
Sign me up.
Oh me, oh my! Count me in on this one, Mrs. Deby!! ;)
In answer to your question, we are home and rested from our vacation. We were very lazy on vacation. Not much sightseeing as the ocean is why we were there and we were able to just sit on the balcony and watch the waves. I tell ya, God sure does know how to creat something beautiful, doesn't He?
I haven't come across your blog before. Robyn sent me here through her blog. Your blog looks like a good one.
Check out my blog sometime too.
You certainly are celebrating with so many giveaways. I did one.
Cogratulations anyhow.
count me in...always love a good giveaway! I get my name in again for all the times I've emailed you too?? :) lol...j/k....hey-if you don't mind will you let everyone know on your blog that Heart2Home Etsy Store is now open and there are lots of cute hand-made and crafted items for sale...just go to Thanks! God Bless you!
I'm checking in on your blog from Sandy's at Dream,Create and Inspire. I am a student of hers. She is the best teacher!
What I have seen of your blog is great! But I haven't seen it all yet. I wanted to get entered in the giveaway and let you know there are people all over the world looking at your blog.
Congradulations on your 100th post! You will be hearing more from me in the future.
God puts people in our lives to encourage us and I would like to encourage you to keep up the good work!
God Bless,
Excellent prizes!! Congrats!!
Cheryl KVD
Congratulations on your 100th post. ;o)
What a generous giveaway!
You asked about the fries we made... they were baked on a stone pan. I only sprayed the pan then sprinkled a little sea salt on them and baked them until they were golden brown. Mmmm...
Enjoy your week ~
Wow...neat blog and great giveaway! Congrats on the 100 post. Found a link to your site via Sandy McTier's blog.
What fun, my daugher in law, Melissa sent me, I've been here before, but more as a reader. Congrats on 100!
What fun, my daugher in law, Melissa sent me, I've been here before, but more as a reader. Congrats on 100!
Blogger messed up on me, my new blog address is
Woo hoo! 100 posts! You go girl! LOl!
Hi Deby,
I wanted to stop by and thank you for dropping by my blog. I enjoyed reading your comment. And hope you will come over again. Congrats on the 100th post!
HI Deby,
Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your words of encouragement.
I have enjoyed my tea and visit here.
congrats on your 100th post!!!
Just found your blog on
Congrats on your 100th post :)! Blog candy looks great too, ty for the chance at entering to win some :)!
First time visiting your blog, but I'm going to say that it won't be the last time. Looking forward to becoming a regular here.
Congrat. on your one hundredeth post. I think you are a blessing and I have enjoyed getting to know you better and I love visiting your blog. connie from Texas
What a wonderful way to honor those who read your blog! Thank you, too, for honoring breast cancer awareness -- a cause we can all support.
Congrats on your milestone of 100, what nice prizes!!! & a great blog.
pick me please sister inlaw and congrads on your 100
Hey, Aunt Deby! I love reading your blog... always very encouraging! Have fun posting away!
Love you lots,
Wow, Deby. I didn't know this was going on--I've been away! What fun!
Congrats on your 100th post. You have been really really a busy blogger. I've enjoyed getting to know you!
There. You have my email address on this comment.
I guess I'd better get in on this while I can! I've enjoyed your blog so much, and I'm glad we've "met" in Blogland.
First time here! Your site is so pretty. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Hey, I just found your blog from a comment you left on another blog, when I came over here and saw that you are having a give away! What great timing to find your blog!! LOL!! Anyway, I will be putting your blog in my friend's links so that I can visit often! :)
Your blog is a blessing Deby! Your giveaways look delightful! Have a great day!
Oh my are so generous. That Sense and Sensibility DVD is calling my name...listen...can you hear it...Denise...Denise...
Hope theres still time to add my name in the hat.. Thanks for your kindness. God Bless
Hi! I've met you before. I'm a friend of your sister, Lisa! What a nice away prizes to your readers.
Hi Deby, I just happened to visit today... guess I just made the deadline!! If I had a blog, I would link to yours, but.... I'm not yet a blogger. :-)
Hi, Deby! :) It's me. Lori, from Stamp_n_Scrap4Joy! :) Great blog. Thank you for the contest - how exciting. LOL!!!
Congrats on the 100 posts. I just stumbled on to you from House of Haas. I am so glad I found you! Got my fingers and toes crossed for the drawing.
Well...tonight is the big giveaway!! Just thought since I've been unable to check blogs the past few days that I'd come by and see how things are going. Have fun with this drawing!
This is the last night and plan to do the drawing tomorrow...been a busy week staying on top of all this...and meeting new bloggers..
Wow...there are certainly a lot of people commenting here!! I must confess, this is my first comment, and the first time that I have stumbled onto your blog. I have been reading down through the posts on your first page, and feel so blessed by some of the things you have written!!!
If you don't mind, I would like to be added to your drawing. Congratulations on the hundredth post!
Congratulations on your 100th post! I would love to be included in your drawing. May I join?
i found out about your blog through your sister's blog and her blog because of a comment on my friend Mary's blog. Clear as mud?? congrats.
I want to win :) sorry it took me so long to comment... I didnt forget :)
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