Oh we serve a merciful GOD .....what I believe HE wants us from me, is ME. Minute by minute
day by day. Why wait for a special day.
Believe me I was glad to see 2009 come along. Last year was rough, but knowing that what the Lord allows in my life is part of HIS plan, is what brings comfort for me. Isn't it wonderful when you are HIS?
Lamentations 3:22
It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed,
because his compassions fail not.
Lamentations 3:23
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
My goal is to redeem the time this year with mini-goals. You can read my blog post about it here:
I enjoy your posts!
Good morning Deby, Great post this morning and I love the old hymn "Great Is Thy Faithfulness."
Hey Deby,
Great thoughts!
Thanks for always posting such encouraging thoughts!
You certainly have had your share of really rough times the past year!
However, I'm still stuck in the rut of making that new year's resolution of losing weight and being healthier. Growing closer to God is always my main goal.
Wow! Alaska! Too cold for me and I know you are probably very glad not to be moving there, but excited about a new home! :) I'm excited for you!!!
Amen! His mercies are new every day!
What a wonderful post, and the verses from Lamentations are among my very favorite Scriptures! Your post is so inspirational today. I know 2008 brought many sorrows for you. I sincerely pray that 2009 brings much joy. Just think--God willing, you will be in your beautiful new home by this time next year!!! Praise the Lord!!!
Amen! I didn't make any resolutions, though I want to lose weight. Sigh...
We need to focus on our spiritual condition constantly. If we think we've arrived, we haven't!
Dear Deby,
I am with you there - "why wait?" There are always things I want to improve about myself but I don't wait for a certain date. I have never understood people who wait until Monday to start a diet, either, but we are all different, aren't we?
I hope this year is better for both of us.
Love you,
Amen! I have never made New Year resolutions. I resolve to do better day by day with God's Grace and Love.
Hi Deby, I agree completely. Each day should be a new day of setting our feet on the straight path. It isn't always easy and it doesn't always work that way but we have to dust ourselves off and go at it again. Blessings ~ Cathryn
Hi Deby, Thanks for stopping by. I have browsed about your place and found it to be sweet and God Honoring. I pray God's comfort and encouragement as you miss your brother. Happy New Year wishes!
your scripture at the end was just perfect!
blessings on you in 2009!
Hi Deby...I have resolved to spend more time in worship. That I can do...and I am "rolling over" my resolution from 2007 to lose weight...LOL.
...and Deby..is your new home going to be in the same area???
Happy new year Deby! I pray that you have a beautiful 2009!
Hugs, Sharon
I agree with you...I don't make resolutions either. God bless you.
Amen! He is rich in mercy. And He is not a God of second chances, but a God of many, many chances. He never gives up on us. And I am so thankful and humbled by that.
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