Well friends, we tend to show our AFTER pics
this time I will give a little peak into
what will be my hobby room.
formerly called my *Lovely room*
this one has no name yet
I love it that it has a big window in front,
those drapes will go...think I already
have something to put up.
Do you see the chocolate word on the box?
We bought these boxes off of Craig's list
Embarrassing they all had Chocolate on the side.
Wonder what our neighbors thought, hehehe !!!
Stitchery, Stamping, crafting, sewing
and my Grace Livingston Hill books
What my husband will do:
Paint the walls
Put flooring down on subflooring
Crown Molding (he insists)
minor repairs
WHEN ????
it doesn't matter, I will be at the bottom of the list
because I want time with him,
more than him working 24/7.
Things will get done
I am still feeling too crummy to do much unpacking
Very weak and tired....that will pass too.
Just keeping it real and in perspective
I am still feeling too crummy to do much unpacking
Very weak and tired....that will pass too.
Just keeping it real and in perspective
A verse that is on my mind tonight:
Psalms 51:10
Create in me a clean heart, O God;
and renew a right spirit within me.
Deby I just love my little craft room (little being the operative word lol) I try to organise it on a weekly basis but it never works but it is my little haven where I work & spend time with my Lord. I hope you get yours sorted very soon Marie x
wow, that is going to make one really fabulous hobby room. I'm so jealous!!
I love that verse, it should be our prayer always!
Oh, your room will be so roomy and bright! And those chocolate boxes just revealed the new neighbors are extra sweet.
You have a great perspective and patience about getting the room together. Hopefully you will be feeling better soon.
Kindly, ldh
How wonderful to have a hobby room and a husband who wants to make it so nice for you! Mine would gladly do that for me...but all of our rooms are very full right now...with children...guess thats a good thing too. ((Smile))
Now if you could just get to feeling one hundred percent!
Take care!
Thanks for sharing! I just love your shelves and cabinets! What a nice big space to work in!
It is fun to go through the process of setting up your new home with you Deby!
Have a great day!
Deby, that looks fantastic, honey. I would love a room that big. Mine is about 10 x 12 and I could use double that size! I was gonna say "get started, chick" because it looks soooo perfect but I understand not wanting to make hubs work 24/7 to get our fantasies done, sweetpea. You could do a few things though. Put rugs over the sub-floor and then get the supplies in order. There really isn't a reason to not start at least. That can be done without hubs working so much. Of course, you'd need to be feeling good enough to do it. My fibro isn't as bad as yours I think but I do have good times and "not so good" times. See if this can work for you; it's a shame you can't use it as soon as you want, sweetpea.
Okay, Deb; I know envy is sin, but what I feel when I look at all those shelves is very close! Wow, what a space. That would be lovely. What a blessing! Pamper yourself, use plenty of heat and rest.
I love all the storage shelves! You can never have enough shelving!
Y'all have a lot of work on your hands! If I lived closer to you, I could come and lend a hand! :)
If your husband can hang crown molding, he is a talented man.
I can very mildly relate. We have been going through some home TLC in our home: paint, repair, organizing, decor, etc. We've only worked on one room and still haven't finished it. We only have 6 rooms and a hallway to go!
I'll be praying that the Lord gives you energy to make some headway. When clutter is about it stresses me out.
You are going to have a wonderful craft room! Part of its charm will be getting it all fixed up where it works just right for you. Relax and enjoy it!
If I lived nearby I would love to come over and help you organize your "fun" room. ;)
How very exciting to have a special room to create lovely things! I actually love seeing 'before' pictures like this. It just makes seeing the 'after' pictures all the more exciting! I hope you will post a bit on the process that goes into organizing your room. I would love to see some "in process" pictures. Hope you are feeling better every day. Moving is an exhausting undertaking!
Dear Deby,
First of all, I have to say how much I love it when a blogger shows "before" pictures... and just about anything "real". I can imagine how pretty your special room will be some day.
P put crown molding up in our living room, kitchen and bathroom. I would love to have it in every room of the house.
Take your time, as you need to and do a little bit at a time. I hope you will show pictures of your progress. Will there be pink involved?
I also need to think on the same verse about a clean heart and a right spirit.
Bless your sweet heart, Deby. I need an organizer even now. I still have painting, work that needs to be done and things not unpacked. I just ignore them.
You have a nice big room with light shining in. You and your husband take it easy until you get stonger. Just enjoy each others company.
Love and Hugs,
Hello Deby~
Oh I LOVE that you are going to have a hobby room. How wonderful. I hope you get it sooner rather than later.
I am back blogging again and look forward so much to catching up with you.
How have you been?
Much love,
hugs Sandra nz
Wish I could help you unpack!
That room is going to be soo nice and how fun to have a hobby room!!!
Found your website yesterday~ Great encouragement, lovely site! What a great room...such potential. Wow! To be this organized...I am trying to get there~ Someday I hope to be completely organized before the kids are out of the house..hahaha Read your blog on modesty yesterday. So true!
Hi Deby,
I'm sorry that you are still not feeling well. Your hobby room looks like it will be wonderful! I love all your cupboards and shelves. Please take care, get some rest, and feel better soon!!
Where did you get the bookcase/shelving? I've been looking for something like that and that big for our spare bedroom to put Katie's toys in, homeschool stuff and then my craft stuff too.
Your shelving unit is wonderful, Deby. I wish we had something like that in our craft room - we have a mishmash of furniture - but I'm thankful to have a craft room at all. Have you thought about what color to paint your walls?
Our craft/computer room is finally getting organized. Jack has put shelving in, a file cabinet and some other storage. Getting better all the time.
Oh Deby! The abundance of white shelving is fabulous as is the big window -- your craft room is going to be perfect and I hope you share some photos as you go along and get things organized the way you want them!
As you say, take your time ... enjoy the process as much as the finished product and enjoy each other MORE :o)
Cant wait to see how you do up the room.
big hugs
wow - what a great room this already is and *will* be once your talented and able husband gets done with it. :o)
WOW, that is going to be SUCH a fun room. It is so nice to have things where you can see them AND actually get to them. What good are buttons and bows if you know you have them.....uh......somewhere. Now you will be able to fix things all up.
You MUST name the room something.
Now this post is right up my ally. What fun you'll have putting all your goodies away and feeling oh so fresh and organized, but you're right to pace yourself and not get high hopes of unreachable goals! Your hobby rooms looks like it's a great size!
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