"In this day when grace and liberty are being redefined to a form of license, may we remember that our liberty is a motivation to service, not to selfishness"
~~~~Paul Chappell
Well I had to stay home sick from church, so I spent time in the WORD and in conjunction with the above book. I have so much underlined in it, I thought I must recommend it. We received these books awhile ago from our church. Now I can't believe that it has taken me so long real get in to it. IT is EXCELLANT.
We are also now 98% moved into our new home. Of course chaos reigns here and will for awhile.
My husband and I both got some respiratory *bug* and so it has taken the wind out of our sails.
I keep thinking, "it will all get done, there is NO RUSH".....this house needs tons of TLC so getting settled will be a process.....maybe taking a couple of years. I can tell that I am going to love it already, just need to be patient. I mentioned to my brother in law that my next move is HEAVEN, and really I would prefer it to be via the RAPTURE before the inaguration (sorry, couldn't help with the politics)......I will be here and there and trying to get around to blogs as time and health allows......So thankful for a sweet family, Lisa and Ken and their kids and also nephew ,Devin who all worked hard and helped us move.
So sorry you both are under the weather but happy that you made the move. I look forward to hearing more about your home and the plans you have for it.
98% moved in - that's great, Deby! So sorry you and hubby caught *Tammy's Typhoid* and am hoping for a complete and quick recovery.
I pray you're all snuggly and warm in your new home. I pray that our precious Lord will make this home a treasure to bless you and others in His name.
When we moved into this house, I told my husband my next move is Heaven (hopefully the rapture) because then I don't have to pack and unpack!
I'm leaving it all behind. :)
Hope you get to feeling better. ;)
Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Too much stress and too many sicknesses in the air...I guess.
It is good to hear that you put your "down time" to such good use.
I'll have to check out that book.
Hope you're feeling better soon...I'm looking forward to pictures of the new home!
I'm sorry you two are sick, Deb. Having to move in the cold did not help I'm sure. I'm glad you had lots of help moving. Thanks for letting us know how things are going.
Hi Deby. So glad you are back up and operational. Get well. Sounds like you have lots to do. Nice comment about the inauguration. :) Made me smile. I'm glad you like your new home.
Blessings Cathryn
I hope you get better soon!
I am happy to read that you are nearly moved and that you have such a good outlook on the new home.
I have thought of you and wondered if you were ok.
Hope you are both feeling completely well very soon.
I have lived through a few of those home "makeovers" and it has always been worth the effort.
I sort of feel the same way about the Rapture :-)
Glad you're pretty well moved in and I look forward to pix of your new home as time passes ...
Hope you're feeling better soon!
Thank you so very much for your kind words :) It is good to be back...I hope you are feeling better soon. I just love the Chappells and their publications, I will def. have to check this one out!
Dear Deby,
So sorry to hear that you and your husband are not feeling well. Hope you will soon feel better. But glad to hear that you are almost moved in, and that you love your house already. Just take it slow in getting settled. Like you said, you have time to get it done. Please take care, and rest as much as you can.
I am so sorry you are not well. I do hope you will have a chance to rest a little. You really did a wonderful job moving so quickly! I'm so glad you had friends to move you. Your book recommendation is of great interest to me. I have been reading a favorite Puritan title: Female Piety by John Angell James. I'll be posting some quotes from it on my blog. They are much in the same vein as your book, I believe.
I'm so sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Hopefully the "bug" will pass quickly. 'Tis the season, I fear.
I wish I were there to help with moving in, but it sounds like you've accomplished a lot in a short time. Take your time - don't wear yourself out!
Get well soon, (((Deby))). Take your time getting settled in when you feel better.
New homes are great. Sorry to hear about the respiratory bug. Get well quick!
I'm just so happy to hear from you!
We are huge fans of Pastor Chappell and his books.
Can't wait to hear more about your new home!
Hi Deby, my name is Becky and I come to your blog via Gracious Hospitality! Your face looks so cheerful in your pic I just had to visit. Don't think I've been here before, although your brother's photo looks familiar. I'm so sorry. Anyway, I read your story and tears welled up in my eyes! There is nothing like the peace of knowing your Savior wholeheartedly, and knowing that NOTHING can separate you from Him EVER!! Praise be to God for His exceeding goodness toward us!
I have a story a few posts ago about my childhood sweetheart and hubby of 29 years!
A new house is exciting! We moved for the first time in 21 years 3 years ago, and we love our new home! Praying for your health and strength to accomplish all you have to. Hope you'll stop by sometime. I'm going to follow your blog!!
Joyful blessings,
Deby..Aha... I didn't realize you were moving soo quickly! I have the same book in my bible tote bag and have not read it. but you have reminded me and here I go to read it. do you need anymore help moving boxes? My car is used to carrying boxes lately. Let me seriously...I want to help you if you need me..you have always been a blessing to me!!!
Love ya..the other Debby
Oh, wow, Deby. I guess I've been neglecting my old friend--I didn't realize you were moving. Wish you the best in your new home and hoping you'll soon be over that bug. Every other person has something these days. I was quite tickled over your little political comment.;)
I'm sorry to hear you've had a bug. I hope you feel back to 100% soon. How neat that you are in your house, I'm sure you'll have it all decorated and cozy soon!
Hugs, Sharon
Thanks for the book recommendation!
Praying all goes well with the move.
Love Candy
ps Thanks for the sweet comment yesterday
Yea...98% almost settled in! I'm so happy for you Deby. I know you will enjoy this adventure in your new home and decorating!
Glad you had time to relax and glean from some good reading.
Bless your heart Deby! I'm praying you and hubby start feeling better real soon! Looking forward to the rapture myself! :)
Hi Debi,
Just popping in to say hi. I've been away and am still in holiday mode as I have my husband home during school holidays. Just want you to know I haven't forgotten you, dear friend.
Happy New Year.
hugs Sandra nz
Hi Deby,
Hope you are both feeling better soon! Moving and being sick is not fun ~ been there done that!
Trying to catch up myself since the holidays - so HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Have a wonderful day.
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