A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 25:11

Friday, October 31, 2008

Senior humor

As I wrote the title, I thought *Senior humor*......
NO, I think all of us have days like this.
maybe this would be a solution when you think you
need that FAST FOOD *fix*
Smiling ~~


Maxine said...

Oh, Deby, did I ever need that chuckle! Sooo funny. I've been having senior moments like that for a loooong time!

Alice said...

That is too funny. I totally agree with you, it's not just the senior citizens, everyone that knows me know that I would do something like this. Haha. Joy keeps saying she is going to get me a bumper sticker that says "I'm confused...wait...maybe I'm not."
Thanks for the smile!!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

That's very funny! I think we all do have those kinds of days!

Have a great weekend!

Nanny Ree said...

I love this Deby!!! Yeah I have those days too & they are getting more & more frequent lol!!!! Marie x

Hazel Eye Beauty said...

Deby, I totally agree with you,,, especially when Im driving and an 80+ year old trys to run into me! Thanks for the laugh! Hey, do you think we could mail our packages at McD's at Christmas time, that sure would be eaiser...LOL

Cathy said...

lol, cute, Deby ~

Linda said...

I love it Deby. I have to admit I too have days like that. I sometimes think I need a "keeper".
Have a blessed weekend.