A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 25:11

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Autumn touches

My kitchen Valance
This Turkey was made for me about 20 years ago
from a friend in England

A little this and a little that

I love these battery candles
that you don't have to be concerned about
My favorite time of year
a few more to come at another time !!


TO BECOME said...

I love your autumn this and that. It is so pretty. I have never seen battery candles before. I am going to see if I can find me some. I like that. I like the sign "Count your Blessings," too. connie

Desiree said...

I love the part about 'this is not talk radio'. Amen sister! And yes, the header...I am into embroidery right now, so I did that with embroidery floss on a piece of cardstock that I had. Then I took a picture of it, edited it in photoshop to give it that rained over look, and edited it to adjust the pixel size and made it web ready. It was a long process, but it was fun. Do you do embroidery?

Anonymous said...

Everything looks lovely and "autumny" at your house!!

Blessings to you!


Anonymous said...

Lovely, just lovely! I especially like the garland and the sign in the last picture. (o:

Anonymous said...

That is so pretty and makes your home look even more inviting than it is. Huggles!

Linda said...

It all looks just lovely. These are the things that make a home warm and cozy.


Hi Deby,
I always enjoy seeing other gals decorating:) Just love to see what great ideas they have and share with others. Thanks for sharing yours. What did the Dr. say about your MRI results?

Abounding Treasures said...

These autumn touches make your home look so cozy Deby :o)

Paula said...

What cozy touches! :) I especially like the "blessings" sign. :)

Mishel said...

So pretty!!

Suzanne said...

What pretty autumn vignettes!

Alice said...

How cozy! I love the fall colors.