MY story is about my dad, now in Heaven.
I can remember MANY years after
we were done decorating our tree.
my dad would make a comment.
It was something like:
"I think a tree would just look good with lights and ICICLES"
I remember this comment being said YEAR after YEAR
Now...I know most people hate this icicle strand stuff and I have to admit
I have not used it for years,,,,,my mom would try to get us to carefully
lay each strand...draping it on the tree vs..throwing it on in bunches.
This year, has been a year that I have REALLY missed
MY PARENTS, and Younger brother.
So...this year...I did what my dad always wanted to try.
The pictures do not do justice of how beautiful
my little tree looks...with just lights, ICICLES and a star.
It is so sparkily...and SIMPLE
and done in memory of a Father's comments
That is wonderful to do for your fathers memory. I think it looks pretty.
My father is the 'great icicle decorator' in our family. I remember as a young girl how he'd instruct us to take ONE strand at a time and lay it 'just so'. In the end, the tree looked like a jewel of great worth. :o)
I like it Deby! I think simple is best most of the time.
I can feel for you, I lost my daddy when I was 25 and things remind me of him alot. I'm glad you used the icicles, I think they look homey!
What a sweet story and expression of love to your dad. Makes me tear up! Blessings...
My father an 'icicle king', too!!! I sure miss him! We won't even talk about the fake fire place he had!!!
Thanks for sharing!
Your post is such a sweet tribute to your dad. You are a special daughter.
I love icicles! My Dad loves icicles too! The only reason I don't put them on is that they are so hard to get off! But I think they really make a tree shimmer!
We used icicles when I was a kid, but I haven't used them in years, either. It looks lovely!
Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts
I like icicles too. Once I found some gold icicles and bought them! I still use them on my Victorian tree!
I always loved having icicles when I was a kid, but I don't use them now because my husband doesn't like them. I think it's a great way to remember your father, and your tree is beautiful!
Oh that is so sweet and wonderful hon! Huggles.
What a beautiful tribute to your father. Mom used to ask us kids to lay each icicle over the tree as well. She usually ended up doing most of it because we would get tired of it. I never use icicles on my tree. Mom still does.
What a special thing you have done. Merry Christmas and happy memories.
Growing up, mom always put icicles on the Christmas tree and to this day I still do...to me it's not Christmas unless I have my icicles on the tree! lol Your tree looks beautiful and I'm sure your father is looking down at it and smiling:-) xox
Deby, These things that touch our hearts can be so "bitter-sweet". But loved ones in Heaven are treasures we can celebrate even now. I think you have created a monument to a great dad and that's a blessing to him and to you.
I have a feeling he knows what you've done.
What a sweet testimony of honoring your father's memory. If we have a real tree, we use icicles but if we use an artificial, we don't. :-)
I would always start off putting them on neatly...Then Lorin and I would give up and throw them up in the air to see how they landed on the tree,later I would see mom straightening them out on each branch. Thank the Lord for memories!!
Deby Beautiful:)
I love the look and beauty. I think that your tree is wonderful for the heart and the memories!
Hi Deby,
How pretty.
I remember the icicles wars! There was the "lay-them-on-gently" aide (my
sister) and the "throw-them-on-the-tree-and-let-them-
find-their-place" side (me). My sister usually won!
you found a simple and unique way to honor the memory of your Dad.
I'm the only icicle lover in my family. My husband tolerates them, but I don't use them every year. I'm a sucker for sparkles and "froofy" things. Have you tried taking a picture with the room lights out, just the tree lights on? I always try different settings on the camera with my tree to get just the right light.
Your tree is lovely! Merry Christmas!
Beautiful tree. I think I posted another comment but I'm not sure if it went through because I had an internet problem.
I love the icicles; I'm a sucker for all the "froofy", sparkily stuff.
What a sweet story. I love icicles and use them every year. My hubby does not like them tho-
Oh, how pretty and what a neat what to honor your father! I like the icicles, I have them on my tree, but we also have ornaments.
You said to read your Sept 30th post and I couldn't find it. I would love to read it though!
:0) Sharon
What a beautiful thing to do in memory of your father! I really like icicles on a Christmas tree!
I think it's sweet that you would decorate in memory of your daddy's comment. It somehow brings him closer to you for Christmas, I'm sure.
((Deby)) ~ Sparkling beauty! I think that's a great idea for a tree. And what a wonderful memory of your father at Christmastime.
Deby, my mother-in-law was just talking about how much she loves the icicles! What a great way to remember your dad!
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