I have been so thankful for the prayers and concerns
of you my blog readers.
I did get my MRI results.
Without going into all the details, I have some stuff going on in my back, degenerative and bulging disks. She said my back is a real mess.
I have Tarlov cysts (link included)that are causing much pain, in the sacrum area .
Head MRI, abnormal no tumors,but affecting cognitive skills
I am headed off to a neurologist.
Can I share the JOY in all of this.
MY doctors appointment was the best I have ever had.
My doctor is a Christian.
She listened.
She understood.
There is a reason for my intense pain and loss of cognitive skills.
So, it could be worse. Many of you face much more than this,
it is just so nice to get answers.
She has also recommend a few things I should be taken to supplement my diet.
She gave me a hug before I left, how about that one?
I left her office almost in tears,
tears of joy and thankfulness to finally get some answers.
So right now I will go to the neurologist, a pain clinic and physical therapy.
Praising the Lord for answers.
keep a eye on my blog...a giveaway coming soon.....
that is UNLESS the Rapture happens...which would be
much better than ANYTHING I could EVER give away,amen !!
Praise the LORD for answers! I'll pray for your health and comfort :)
Praise the Lord you know what you are dealing with now. And what a blessing that your dr is a Christian!! I know that even Christian drs can be really nice and of real help. But it is nice to know that you have one that knows the same God that you do!! I pray you are able to get the relief that you are needing in the end. Thank God for what He is doing for you!!
I'm so glad you have some answers! I'll be praying that you can get some help through the pain clinic and therapy.
Wow, Deby, God is so good. I'll pray for you that you'll be able to get help for your physical problems and that Jesus will strengthen you in the inner man as you go through this. Keep pressing on, Sister.
I am continuing praying for you! Hugs from NM
Thankful, on your behalf, that you have found some answers and that you are able to know that there are things you can do!
Praise the Lord!
I am glad you have some answers. I will be praying for you. It is neat that God gave you a Christian doctor - He is always good!!
Deby, I'm sorry for all the suffering and pain you are going through. I'm so glad there are answers and that you have such a good doctor. Praise God. I will keep you in prayer. Hugs, Kathi
I am so thankful that God has given you the answers that you have been seeking. He not only gave you answers but a Christian Doctor to deliver them. He will see you through all this and all will be better, I have faith that God will take very good care of you. You have the prayers going up from all of us that love you. connie
I am so thankful that you finally have some anwsers and hopefully some solutions for pain management. What a blessing to have a christian Dr, I completely understand the tears of joy.
Love & Prayers
I'm so glad there wasn't any tumors, I sure hope you get some relief from the pain soon.
How wonderful that you have a Christian doctor who is communicating things so well with you! I will continue to pray for your health and that the Lord will give you and the doctors wisdom regarding future tests. ;)
I hope you find something to help with your pain. It sounds like you have a positive attitude, and that's a step in the right direction. I wish you all the best.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
I know how important it is to finally get a correct diagnosis. I praise the LORD for putting you in good hands. I was tested for Tarlov cysts (have the symptoms but MRI showed I do not have them), so I read up on them at that time. So, I know that they are not easy to treat.
Still, isn't it wonderful to have a doctor who cares? And a Christian, too! I have some incurable diseases/disorders (4 that I know of!). Despite the lack of cures or even very good treatments, it was such a relief to finally have validation of my symptoms. I know that's what you're feeling now and I'm so happy for you!
praying for you, deby! we love to read your insightful & beautiful posts, & i relish your comments. :)
hope that the Lord showers His indescribable blessings on you this week!
A hug from a doctor...what a blessing. Just remember God is an ever present help in all of our troubles. And so many of us care about and are praying for you.
Praise God for answered prayer Deby {hugs} Marie x
Glad you had a good visit and helpful test results.
Deby, it's wonderful to have found joy in the midst of your pain. Having a compassionate doctor, one who listens, is so comforting, and having one who is a Christian, a special blessing. I pray you get some treatment options very soon.
Bless your heart, Sweetie ~
I do pray they can do something to stop the pain.
Love and Hugs,
Ditto to all the above!
I am so very happy for you getting this answer to prayer!
Rejoicing with you!!!
I am glad at last that you have answers. Still sorry for the pain you are going through. But I know I would rather know what is wrong so I can attack it full force and live the best life I can. Prayers and hugs for you sweetie.
I am thankful that you founds some answers from your doctor, and that your doctor took time to listen to you. I am sorry that you are in such pain, and hope that you will be able to find some relief for it. I will be praying for you. God bless.
I am so glad you finally got some answers to why you've been in so much pain. I will be praying for you as you go to all the upcoming appointments, that you will find some relief to the pain.
I am so thankful that we know and can talk to the Great Physician.
A good doctor is the BEST thing short of being healed! I am so thankful to have found one who really listens to me, also.
I hope that you are able to find solutions to the things that trouble your health.
Becky K.
a tender embrace is virtually yours. prayer lifted heavenward is a consistent given. <>< warm thoughts and cozy sentiment - always.
Bless you through this challenge, dear friend.
Dear Deby,
Thinking of you and praying for you!
Thanks be to God!! Thank you for sharing this wonderful news. I hope you will keep us updated on your condition. Have a blessed weekend!
Deby, if you need me, you know where I am lol. :) I will be praying for you and that God will touch you!
So sorry you have had to go through the extra pain. Last thing you need! But I'm rejoicing you do have some answers. That alone can help sometimes!
I am so glad for you that you finally have answers for why you're feeling the way you are!
How wonderful of the Lord to give you a kind-hearted Christian doctor who listened and understood and then to top it all off, gave you a hug of caring and understanding :o)
I truly pray that you will receive some relief at the Pain Clinic and help on the way as the Lord strengthens your inner man!
((Deby)) ~ Oh, my friend, I do rejoice with you in finding a doctor that really hears you and is a Christian, too -- what a blessing! I am so glad that you are getting some answers to your problems. Not knowing what's wrong is beyond frustrating (my sister had a health issue that took years to diagnose). Praying that you can find some relief from the pain and other symptoms.
Deby, I am so glad for you that the MRI showed reasons for the pain - that it isn't just the fibro. It's not good that you have things wrong, but I think you know what I mean - if you are going to have pain, it's easier to accept when you know the cause.
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