A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 25:11

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Time to order

I am almost finished reading my Bible through in a year. I did speed it up so I would be done early. I think this is the best way I have ever done it. It is easy to use and creates it's own bookmarks and you mark off the boxes everyday. This college, Faith Baptist Bible College ,offers them for free. Click here to order yours, you can also order multiples. It sure has been a great way to get through the WORD......Deby


Pam--in America said...

Thanks for the link, Deby! I just ordered mine :)

Cathryn said...

Hey There,

I didn't go this pathway but I think I like it better. Thanks for sharing. Cathy

Cathryn said...

One more thought Deby. I just ordered enough for each home schooling family in the group I direct. I plan to make a presentation on what the Bible has meant to me while reading it this year. So many folk have forsaken reading God's Word. I know I did for many years. Thanks again for the info.

Polly & Steve said...

Thanks Deby, I just ordered mine.
God Bless you.

Anonymous said...

I plan on reading through the Bible next year too only I think I'm going to try a Chronological reading plan. (o:

Jennifer said...

Thank you! I just ordered one.