I found this devotional VERY convicting...and thought that some of you would too...
btw...I did use a system to read your Bible through in a year...the best system I have ever used...not overwhelming...I finished early this year...and will be doing a post on it....this week
so.....please...read on:
And the Child Grew
by Dr. Paul Chappell
“And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him.”
Luke 2:40
John Bois was one of the men who helped translate the 1611 King James Version of the Bible into English. “At the age of five, John Bois could read the Bible in Hebrew. By the time he was six years old, he not only wrote Hebrew legibly, but in a fair and elegant character. According to historical records, John Bois soon distinguished himself by his great skill in Greek, writing letters in that language to the Master and Senior Fellows, when he had been but half a year in college.
“It was a common practice of John Bois to go to the University Library at four o’clock in the morning, and stay without intermission till eight in the evening. When he was elected Fellow of his College in 1580, he was laboring under that formidable disease, the small pox. But, with his usual resolution, rather than lose his seniority, he had himself wrapped in blankets, and was carried to be admitted to his office by his tutors.
“For ten years, he was Greek lecturer in his college; and during that time, he voluntarily lectured in his own chamber at four o’clock in the morning, most of the Fellows being in attendance!
“He was ‘in fastings oft,’ sometimes twice in the week; and punctual in all religious duties. His preaching was without notes, though not without much prayer and study. He took but two meals, dinner and supper, and never drank at any other time. He would not study between supper and bed-time; but spent the interval in pleasant discourse with friends. He took special care of his teeth, and carried them nearly all to the grave. Up to his death, his brow was unwrinkled, his sight clear, his hearing quick, his countenance fresh, and head not bald. He ascribed his health and longevity to adhering and observing certain disciplines taught to him by his tutor.” (Biographical sketch from Alexander McClure)
John Bois increased in wisdom and stature. He did not let time go to waste; rather, he embraced the study and work of God. God blessed him for his service. The principle is clear. When we grow in the wisdom of God’s Word, and when we maturely take care of the bodies God has given to us, we will be more like Jesus.
Luke 2:52 says, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” Little is written about the youth of our Lord, so we must take into serious consideration the small amount of text referring to His youth. After Jesus was born, He grew.
After we are born into the body of Christ, we are to grow in the Lord. Has there been a progressive, growing change since you have entered into the family of God? Challenge yourself through Scripture to grow in wisdom and in stature. John Bois grew in wisdom and stature, and God favored him by choosing him to help translate the Scriptures. Jesus Christ grew in wisdom and in stature, and God used Him to become the Saviour of this world. Imagine what God could do with your life if you sincerely lived a life growing in wisdom and in stature!