Can you see the last lines on this sign ? I took this picture when I was on vacation. We don't have Hobby Lobby where I live.
Now.....I am thinking "what if"...what if, other stores did this ? Would it be possible for more people to go to church ? Would they ? The ramifications of businesses closing on Sundays is a bit overwhelming when I think about it. I have to applaud Hobby Lobby for doing this. As a Christian I am glad that my husband doesn't work on Sundays. I know some "have to" ie: police, fireman, health care etc.....but hmmmm....does everyone else have to?.....yet....aren't we all the reason or part of the reason they do ? We shop on Sundays, we go to restaurants on Sundays. I don't know if this will change any of our family's habits but it sure caught my eye and made me "think"...What do you think ?
Hi Deby!
I remember it was law when I was a little girl that businesses be closed on Sunday...
But, you are right...if we would leave them alone they would not stay open!
This is my favorite store here in Michigan. They also play lovely gospel music in their stores to listen to while you shop. And, they have lots of plaques and such with Bible verses on them.
I wrote a blog on that not too many months ago but did not get much response. We don't go out to eat or buy on Sundays unless it is an emergency. We get what we need on Saturday.
We have Hobby Lobby's and I shop there. Get 40% coupon off on one item every week. These stores have the same sign.
Deby, I have always respected the Hobby Lobby stores for taking a stance on this subject. It used to be normal to have all stores closed on Sundays. Gas stations were open, and if you needed a bottle of milk, hopefully you could find a station that carried milk or bread. Now everything is open, every day. And some stores are open 24/7. We are a nation of excess and Godlessness. So sad. Blessings to you!
I *heart* Hobby Lobby!
We don't have Hobby Lobby stores in Canada but what a great thing for them to do for their employees :o)
Chick-Filet(sp) also closes on SUNDAYs...I applaud them!!
Nice to know that Hobby Lobby does also..don't have one here either.
Thanks for the information...
I think I am glad we do have a Hobby Lobby close by, and I know I am glad they close early and are NOT open on Sunday. Buy your yarn on Saturday! Have you read the book: More Than a Hobby?
When I moved to Texas over 30 years ago, no 'shopping' places were open on Sunday. I came from a state where there was no such thing as the Blue Law so it was pretty foreign to me......but I adapted. We eat out once in a while on I feel like I am part of the problem.
oh I love that! Very rare these days. That is one reason we love Chick-Fil-A.
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