A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 25:11

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Would you ?

I looked at this picture...and it made me think...would I have been *OBEDIENT* ? Do you have any thoughts when you look at this picture?


Shari said...

I see obedience, perseverance....

Connie said...

Actually, hubs and I were talking about that this morning while reading and studying our scriptures together. I'm obedient or try my best to be. I think Mary AND Joseph knew they had a divine destiny to fulfill and had help from angels. I'll definitely thank them when I meet them someday, sugar. They were very valiant.

Debbie said...

Well, I don't have to worry about that! I'm not even Jewish, but being obedient each day in my christian walk is a struggle. Thank God for His strength in any victories I may have:D

Tori Leslie said...

We watched the Nativity yesterday and I was amazed to think what they must have gone through.
I'm glad they did, not that they could have stopped the King of Kings from coming!
Hope you're having a great Christmas season Deby!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I think that with the Grace of God, I could be obedient.

Everyday we are asked to be God's people, live differently than the world and come up against those who think we are nuts....that takes Grace too!

I love 'The Nativity Story' movie because it shows Mary and Joseph so humanly and normal.

Great question!

Sandra said...

Every time I see a picture of Mary and Joseph like this I think about how alone they were. Nativity scenes make it look so elegant with rich gifts around them and nice clothes, but that was not the case. I think about how lonely they must have been and how scared of what was going to happen.

Vikki G said...

It makes me think about the faith they both had....unquestioning faith. I hope you are doing better...how are you recuperating?

Becky K. said...

I think it had to have been a frightening proposition. However, I also think that the Lord granted the grace for all that was required.

Becky K.

Sharon said...

It makes me think how obedience to the Lord can sometimes make us lonely, yet knowing we are not alone...as He walks with us and prepares the way ahead of us. Such great love for our God Almighty!