A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 25:11

Monday, May 14, 2012

A gift from a friend

This little bear was given to me 
at church this week.
My friend, Deanna has a in home business called
I was not expecting such a cute little gift.
It really did touch my heart.
I named her, DeeDee.
It got me thinking, how I miss opportunities
to be someone that can touch someones heart.
yes.....the Lord will put something or someone on my heart
but I don't always follow through in a tangible way.
So, we spent much time at our church this past week,
it was a Super Revival,  but I also got a lesson
from a friend, through the gift of a pink bear.


Anonymous said...

So sweet, now your baby has a friend.

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

What an adorable little bear!

Sharon said...

That is so sweet of her to give you such an adorable gift. She knows you love pink, too! ;-)