A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 25:11

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

2 more days

My daughter recommended we watch this.
We rented it, but didn't watch it (wish we had)
Well it is on line and I *think* ,
only 2 MORE days
You can watch it for
I really, really recommend it.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Season tree--SPRING

This is what I have done to
my tree. I left a few ornaments on it
and then added Forsythia garland.
I did it because my husband's
favorite color is yellow.
I strung some pearl beads for the bird
to have a little necklace.
This tree has looked pretty
with the lights on or off.
In a dark climate like ours, we really
have enjoyed the glow from the lights.
I am not committing to keeping
it up all year, at this moment.
We have enjoyed it thus far but
right now, I am not sure I can physically
do the work to keep going on this project.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

ouch,ouch,ouch !

I am trying to get some relief from my
fibromyalgia and all that fibro does to ones body.
I am reading this book, my husband got it for me
from Amazon. I am so thankful he understands.
Part of this process will be having some blood testing done.
It is not covered by my insurance.
I was thinking today
"I can read this book, and then never heed it"
then... of course
I realized I do the same with the
My Bible
I know I am only fooling myself--and oh
what peace I give up by not being a doer of the WORD.
I am always learning lessons, sometimes(often)
I am a slow learner.
I am so thankful for God's grace and mercy..
and praying friends and family.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Got Any Rivers
Got any rivers you think are uncrossable ?
Got any mountains you can't tunnel through ?
God specializes in things thought impossible
He does the things others cannot do.
Without going into details..
this song above explains me, lately...
the first two lines..
I know the last two lines
are truly the
I have been allowing the enemy to tell me that
these *things* (we all have them)
are beyond the Lord...
Nothing is..
This little chorus came to mind this morning.
Maybe you needed to hear/read it too.