I am so thankful for ALL of you.
I am thankful for those who read my blog,
those who comment
those who stop in now and then.
I am thankful for the comraderie I have found here in Blogland.
I am thankful for the new friendships formed.
I am thankful for the things I learn from YOUR blogs.
I am challenged daily, in my walk with the Lord.
I am challenged by YOUR walk with the Lord, it prods me on to want the relationships with our Lord that you have!!!
I am thankful for your prayers, for me and mine.
It has been a honor to pray for many of you and yours.
I have been challenged in my role as a wife, mother and friend.
I am challenged to try new things:
different books.
I just want you to know how much I appreciate all of you.
I pray your visits here are edifying,
that you have fun, are convicted, and even enjoy a little of my silliness.
I am thankful for the things some of you have taught me ie:
hyperlink, thanks Michele (Cherish the Home)
that changed so much for me.
Most of ALL
I am thankful during this past year
Sept. 30th ,
to be exact
I finallyasked Jesus into my heart.
Through your lives and testimonies
I knew, I knew things were NOT RIGHT.
I couldn't stand it,
You were part of that process.
That ALONE has made
the time spent blogging
So again,
btw, stay tuned either later
or tomorrow for the list of