A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 25:11

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Blogaversary GIFTS

It's here, my gifts for my blogaversary.
I have been getting a little here and a little there.
I wish that I could give to everyone who reads my blog.
So many of you have become so dear to me.
So look up close, click to enlarge the pictures.
Tell me what interests you, surely there are a few things.
When I draw names I will send you off something or somethings.
You will not know until your gift(s) arrive.I will post names either Friday evening or Saturday morning.
Any comments after midnight my time, Thursday will not count.I need your snal mail by Monday...you can send them now if you want to yesipray at gmail dot com.
Put your real name and the name you blog with so I KNOW who you are.
You can comment starting on April 2nd's post. ONE...ONE..comment per post, not per day..yes you can catch up
You are ALL a blessing to me, I hope there is something in this
assortment that will be a blessing to you.
there are more pictures underneath..scroll down.

giveaway gifts continued

Different views. click to enlarge

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Fine Print and more on Yo-yo's

Since I am winding down to my giveaway....
YOU can now increase your comments by:
ONE COMMENT PER POST...so if there was a day that I posted
more than once, you can comment on each post
and yes, you can go back
Here are somethings you can make with Yo-yo's
ALSO here is a book you can get with ideas

Scroll down for TODAY's first post

yo-yo's and more

Do you see this various YO-Yo's I have been making whilst just watching the news, or listening to music.
Just keeping my hands busy.
There are so many things you can do with them.
Well, now Clover has a tool that allows you to make them different sizes, accurate, different SHAPES, and FAST.
I love mine.
Maybe an idea for you ??
You can enlarge pictures to see better

Everything BUT the yo-yo's are "PART" of my giveaway. Do you see anything you like?
I am including one of the
Clover Yo-you makers.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Mark is home

Thank you, thank you, thank you
For praying !!!!

2nd post today, couldn't resist

Got this off of Pam's Midnight Musings...
thought it would be fun
BTW...check out the post below
it is about this week's giveaway

You Are A Peanut

You are popular, even with people who tend to have picky taste.
Kids love you, as do dogs. From rednecks to snobs, most people have a place for you in their hearts.
As popular as you are, there are some people who can't be near you.
Don't take it too personally. There's just a few people you rub the wrong way.

Blogaversary Update

Well, friends....
This is the week of my BLOGAVERSARY
Thursday is the last day to comment,
to get entered.
You can comment once per day since April 2nd.
IF you want to catch up, that is up to you.
Friday I will post the winners
and you will have until Monday to email
me your snail mail address.
The gifts will be shown...soon...
I think anticipation is good.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday Encouragment

This scripture is on my
mind this morning. So
I thought I would encourage my
blog friends with it.

1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my beloved brethren,
be ye stedfast, unmoveable,always abounding in the work of the Lord,
forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Mustang Mark

Our son in law, Mark arrived in our home
last night at 8:30'ish.He flew in from the
east coast to come and pick up his Mustang
to have a 2nd car where they are living for a
year. He has a LONG trek across our country
for the next few days. Please pray for Mark, for
his safety, I know he appreciates it as well
as his wife and children, and of course his mother in
law, that tends to *fret* over things like this.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thank you friends

~~~Thank you, thank you....
I am home early the test is over, and boy was the the lady
who worked with me, just the BEST. She had the sweetest demeanor
and I felt blessed even meeting her.
I felt your prayers.
So in a few weeks I will get the results and go from there.
thank you friends in blogland.
btw, if you notice on my sidebar we are getting close to my blogaversary.
Stay tuned the gifts will be posted, SOOOOON

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I am having a SLEEP STUDY done
would appreciate ANY prayers...
that they could get to the bottom
of this.

Shoe Fun....add more ****

It is my opinion that most of us are either a shoe person, or not. My daughter is,
I personally am not, I would much rather have a new purse (not designer, that would be another post).
So I took this lighthearted quiz I found at Rita's "A Jungle Hut "
and this time the shoe choice came out pretty accurate for me.
So if you want to do the quiz, let me know and I will find out
what kind of shoe person you are.
****I see that many of us are SOLE SISTERS****

You Are Clogs

You are a solid and down to earth person.
You seek and almost always achieve a really sound balance in your life.
You are stylish yet comfortable. Mellow but driven. Excited yet calm.
You are the perfect mesh of contradictions.
No matter what happens, you have the ability to stay well grounded in your life.
People know that they can truly depend on you.
You should live: In Europe
You should work: At a company dedicated to helping the world
"I do, I am a ambassador for my Saviour, Jesus Christ"

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Little Homes and Big Hearts

I love to read, and must admit that I do read pretty fast.
This book came on a recommend from Michele, at Cherish the Home.
Another wonderful thing, about the blessing of blogging.
I liked it so much, that a copy of it is going to be in
It is published by Keepers of the Faith
You can go to their web site and request a free catalog.
They have books for children and many wonderful things.
This is the last paragraph in the book:
A kind word, a helping hand, a soft answer,
a loving action-for the Master's dear sake-
a simple testimony
given to the truth of the Gospel,
and to the love of Jesus-
these are in the power of all Christians.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Grandma's House, thanks Amy

There are so many WONDERFUL things that
have happened since blogging.

This is one of them. I read Amy's blog,
"Lifes Small Treasures"
I saw that she lived in the state that my
grandma used to live in.
I wrote her and asked if she lived close to the town.
Well they had some business too take care of and
went and found my grandlma's house from the
address and took pictures and sent them to me.

I have VERY FOND memories of this place and have
not been there for over 20 years. My grandma
is in Heaven and NO her house nor yard look
the same, but OH what a blessing to have them and
I am so appreciative for Amy doing this.

Thank you again, Amy.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Great is thy Faithfulness

Have a Wonderful Weekend

Friday, April 18, 2008

reading the Bible

Since Sept. 30th
The day I was Saved last year
things have changed in my heart.
One thing is,
My Bible has come alive to me.
I can actually tell
when I MISS reading it for a day.
I can feel the difference.
I would say if
you can go through weeks or even days without
getting into the Word of God
you might be in trouble.
Read all of Psalms 119
to discover the importance
Psalms 119:130
The entrance of thy words giveth light;
it giveth understanding unto the simple.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


James 4:17
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good,
and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
This morning at 4:30'ish
I was awake
and almost immediately
this verse was on my mind.
"Lord, are you trying to tell me something"
Some of this will be different for all of us
my *do good* list
will be different than yours as the Lord works on our hearts ,
in our sin areas as individuals.
I will not air the areas I need to heed this scripture on,
some of it would be embarrassing and I think at times
these things should be private, I don't want to flaunt my sin areas.
I can give you a simple example:
Sunday as I was at church I made a small
list of people I felt the Lord
was leading me to send cards to on Monday.
Well today it is Thursday and NO CARDS.
Maybe no big deal to you, but for me it has been sin.
For you
it could be and probably will be different.
Maybe, not considering what is important
to your husband as worthy.
Maybe it is spending too much time
on the phone (ouch) when your husband is home.
I am trying not to do that.
Maybe it is not speaking up for the Lord
or sharing HIM with others in your life.
Do they see Jesus in you or do you FIT IN?
I know this list is endless.
my list was immediate
and yet
I know I am a work in progress
and yet I DO NOT want to be in SIN
when really I KNOW better.
We are in this together.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

To be a Doer

My prayer, to be a doer of the WORD
and not just a hearer.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Weeds or flowers

Some in my area consider Morning Glories


now tell me

those of you who know.

Are there some FLOWERS that are technically


I don't have a clue.

I know this

I love Morning Glories

When my children were young

I would take some stuffing,

the kind you put in pillows etc, just the cheap stuff

put it is a plastic dish

put barely warm water on it

Then Sprinkle the MG seeds on it

In a very short time

They germinated and then we planted them

they aren't weeds to me


yes they are weeds

but when given to me by a child

they are FLOWERS to me

It's all in your perspective

Isaiah 40:8

The grass withereth,

the flower fadeth:

but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Cafix--another recommend

In the past few months I have been
taking baby steps in trying to improve my health.
Do what *I* can do.
I WAS a pot of coffee drinker
yes, at least a WHOLE pot,sometimes MORE
At the recommend of family and friends (you know who you are)
I am down to **2** cups of coffee a day.
Plan to go down to ONE
and then maybe NONE
for me that is a big thing.
I have taken the withdrawal slow.
What has helped is this product pictured above.
I like it better than de-caf coffee
as I know it HAS no caffeine.
It tastes wonderful, to me
not like Sanka or Postum, things I couldn't stand.
I can buy it in my local grocery store, more in the health foods section.
You can also order it on line.
It lasts for a LONG time.
SO...if you are looking for a coffee alternative
it might work for you.
*Thanks Susie for telling us about this

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Springtime Flowers

Are they blooming where you are?
The Spring flowers.
Do you have a favorite
I *think*
I do
I love
the smaller Grape Hyacinths
trees blossoming.
Maybe I don't have a favorite.
What is yours?


Song of Solomon 2 12
The flowers appear on the earth;
the time of the singing of birds is come,
and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;

Friday, April 11, 2008

heart 2 heart thanks

My post Heart 2 Heart
has generated such WONDERFUL COMMENTS
they touch this subject
in different aspects.
All the comments would make a great post itself.
So.....in saying that ,my post today
is a recommend.
take a few minutes
Read yesterdays comments
and if you can,
share something that touched your heart
and spoke to you.
Doesn't have to be lengthy.
We are all learning from each other.
for all your kind

Proverbs 27:17
Iron sharpeneth iron;
so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.