Sunday, June 24, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
A gift from a friend
This little bear was given to me
at church this week.
My friend, Deanna has a in home business called
I was not expecting such a cute little gift.
It really did touch my heart.
I named her, DeeDee.
It got me thinking, how I miss opportunities
to be someone that can touch someones heart.
yes.....the Lord will put something or someone on my heart
but I don't always follow through in a tangible way.
So, we spent much time at our church this past week,
it was a Super Revival, but I also got a lesson
from a friend, through the gift of a pink bear.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
to blog or not
I love it !!
Now, to blog, or not...
I just don't know..
Most of you that know me or I have gotten to know
are on FB or Pinterest or both.
It has filled the gap, and it seems so real,
more that the vague of blogging..
I am not sure..
I am pretty sure it will be
Check back
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
On my heart today
This hymn came to mind, hope it blesses you:
Days are filled with sorrow and care,
Hearts are lonely and drear;
Burdens are lifted at Calvary,
Jesus is very near.
Burdens are lifted at Calvary,
Calvary, Calvary,
Burdens are lifted at Calvary,
Jesus is very near.
Cast your care on Jesus today,
Leave your worry and fear;
Burdens are lifted at Calvary,
Jesus is very near.
Burdens are lifted at Calvary,
Calvary, Calvary,
Burdens are lifted at Calvary,
Jesus is very near.
Troubled soul, the Saviour can see,
Ev'ry heartache and tear;
Burdens are lifted at Calvary
Jesus is very near.
Burdens are lifted at Calvary,
Calvary, Calvary,
Burdens are lifted at Calvary,
Jesus is very near.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Wet or White
here in the Pacific Northwest.
Our climate is know for the rain
so this is quite a drastic change.
in our area are told to stay home.
It is dangerous out there on the roads.
I prefer the WET
over the
I am hibernating
right now.
Which is fine with me !!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Apron--so cute

and thought it was adorable.
Karoline, at Cherished Vintage gave
me permission to show her creations.
Did you notice the pearls...
What a great touch...
Love it !
me permission to show her creations.
Did you notice the pearls...
What a great touch...
Love it !
Thursday, January 12, 2012
my pink mansion
John 14:2
In my Father's house are many
mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you.
I go to prepare a place for you.
mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you.
I go to prepare a place for you.
This is what I would like my mansion to look like.
Mind you, I am thinking from a earthly perspective.
I also think it will be "self-cleaning"
Who wants to come over for a CUPPA ?
Coffee, tea.....and treats too...
No calories in Heaven, is what I am thinking.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
I wonder
Do you walk into a room and WONDER what you went in there for?
I think we all go through things like that.
oh to have a good memory.
yes, I am wonder woman !
Monday, January 9, 2012
Hi there

Yes, I believe I am back blogging.
There are many,many reasons I have
not returned to this genre.
I am missing it, I am missing you all.
I am going to try, and pray the Lord will help me.
Above picture is Jim and I on our 40th Anniversary
October 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
not just for me
Stand Fast
Saturday, July 16, 2011
by Dr. Paul Chappell
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."
Galatians 5:1
Battling the devil is difficult, yet defeat is not an option.
The 1860 election in the United States carried more weight than a usual election. Several issues divided Americans during this time in history-states' rights, land grants and usage, and slavery. Less than one hundred years old, the U.S. had spent the first one hundred years of its existence hashing out documents and laws to govern the land. While many laws were contested, both sides had often agreed upon a compromise. Yet the issues listed above had finally come to a head. On one side stood those opposed to both expanding slavery and granting more control to the states. On the other side stood those favoring the continued practice of slavery and the localizing of government. Abraham Lincoln, representing the first side, ran for the Presidency in 1860 and upon his election, eleven Southern states seceded from the Union. Recognizing this act as rebellion, a civil war was declared between the two sides and fighting ensued on April 12, 1861.
Throughout the war, stories are told of common farmers and tradesmen choosing to stand for their beliefs and fighting against their enemies. The battles were fierce, supplies few, yet people were fighting for ideals, and their ideals motivated them to give all they had. One such story is told of a young Southern soldier who was badly wounded in battle by a cannonball. As he was carried off the battlefield in the midst of the fighting, he instructed the medical staff to quickly bandage him so he could continue the fight. Advising against it, they sought help from the commanding officer in convincing the young man to stay in the field hospital. The officer arrived and upon seeing him stated, "Son, you've fought well, but with a missing eye, badly handicapped arm, and lacerated body, you need to stay here at the rear of the battle." The soldier said through tears, "Sir, I respect you, but I'm going to continue fighting. This battle has no rear!"
This young soldier, probably not more than twenty-five years old understood the concept of standing fast, of fighting even when the battle was tough. He was physically hurting, pained, and broken; yet despite what the battle had cost him, he kept fighting.
Your Christian battle is just as real as this soldier's battle. You may not physically wield a weapon, but the fight is ever present. Any Christian who's lived for a period of time can tell you stories of the devil's attacks, temptations, and battles. Some battles are won; some are lost. Many will suffer pains; some will suffer loss; yet God's command in the heat of battle is seen in Galatians 5, "Stand fast."
Every day the devil sends his best combat fighters against you. He strategizes how to best cause you to fall. He tempts you in your areas of weakness. The devil knows you better than most people. You've probably experienced failure, lost battles to his temptations, and fallen in the fight. Yet God's command rings true, "Stand fast."
Whenever you lose a battle remember that the war is already won. Rather than giving up, stand up and continue fighting. Don't let the devil convince you fighting is futile. Yes, you will fall, and you will experience pain, but stand fast.
If you're saved, you no longer have to give in to sin. Satan has no power over your life any more. You are God's child, and now fight on His side. Rejoice, for God has already won the war! Yet each day you will need to fight against the devil's attacks, resist his temptations, and refuse to give in to his devices.
How's the battle going in your life? Have you experienced setbacks? Have you suffered defeat? Don't let the devil win by giving in to him. Gain strength from God's Word, prayer, His church, godly music, godly friends, and the example of other godly fighters; and keep fighting. Remember, even when you fall, get back up, and continue to stand fast.
Stand Fast
Saturday, July 16, 2011
by Dr. Paul Chappell
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."
Galatians 5:1
Battling the devil is difficult, yet defeat is not an option.
The 1860 election in the United States carried more weight than a usual election. Several issues divided Americans during this time in history-states' rights, land grants and usage, and slavery. Less than one hundred years old, the U.S. had spent the first one hundred years of its existence hashing out documents and laws to govern the land. While many laws were contested, both sides had often agreed upon a compromise. Yet the issues listed above had finally come to a head. On one side stood those opposed to both expanding slavery and granting more control to the states. On the other side stood those favoring the continued practice of slavery and the localizing of government. Abraham Lincoln, representing the first side, ran for the Presidency in 1860 and upon his election, eleven Southern states seceded from the Union. Recognizing this act as rebellion, a civil war was declared between the two sides and fighting ensued on April 12, 1861.
Throughout the war, stories are told of common farmers and tradesmen choosing to stand for their beliefs and fighting against their enemies. The battles were fierce, supplies few, yet people were fighting for ideals, and their ideals motivated them to give all they had. One such story is told of a young Southern soldier who was badly wounded in battle by a cannonball. As he was carried off the battlefield in the midst of the fighting, he instructed the medical staff to quickly bandage him so he could continue the fight. Advising against it, they sought help from the commanding officer in convincing the young man to stay in the field hospital. The officer arrived and upon seeing him stated, "Son, you've fought well, but with a missing eye, badly handicapped arm, and lacerated body, you need to stay here at the rear of the battle." The soldier said through tears, "Sir, I respect you, but I'm going to continue fighting. This battle has no rear!"
This young soldier, probably not more than twenty-five years old understood the concept of standing fast, of fighting even when the battle was tough. He was physically hurting, pained, and broken; yet despite what the battle had cost him, he kept fighting.
Your Christian battle is just as real as this soldier's battle. You may not physically wield a weapon, but the fight is ever present. Any Christian who's lived for a period of time can tell you stories of the devil's attacks, temptations, and battles. Some battles are won; some are lost. Many will suffer pains; some will suffer loss; yet God's command in the heat of battle is seen in Galatians 5, "Stand fast."
Every day the devil sends his best combat fighters against you. He strategizes how to best cause you to fall. He tempts you in your areas of weakness. The devil knows you better than most people. You've probably experienced failure, lost battles to his temptations, and fallen in the fight. Yet God's command rings true, "Stand fast."
Whenever you lose a battle remember that the war is already won. Rather than giving up, stand up and continue fighting. Don't let the devil convince you fighting is futile. Yes, you will fall, and you will experience pain, but stand fast.
If you're saved, you no longer have to give in to sin. Satan has no power over your life any more. You are God's child, and now fight on His side. Rejoice, for God has already won the war! Yet each day you will need to fight against the devil's attacks, resist his temptations, and refuse to give in to his devices.
How's the battle going in your life? Have you experienced setbacks? Have you suffered defeat? Don't let the devil win by giving in to him. Gain strength from God's Word, prayer, His church, godly music, godly friends, and the example of other godly fighters; and keep fighting. Remember, even when you fall, get back up, and continue to stand fast.
To learn more about the ministries of Lancaster Baptist Church and Pastor Chappell, please visit,, or follow him
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
still here and okay
My official Physical Therapy is now over.
I don't have to see the orthopedic surgeon any longer.
For those things, I REJOICE !!
Without going into detail for the whole world to see, I
will add that this has been much more than
just having shoulder and recovering.
I have had some reactions to medications.
I have learned I am very sensitive to meds and have to be careful
to all side effects. It has not been easy. In fact the hardest thing
I have EVER been through.
"HE" healing me in many ways.
It is taking time.
but do we server a powerful Saviour,
a God who can touch the depths of your soul...who
can heal you in many many ways.
I am doing okay , somedays better than others.
I am still sure that prayer works, that family and friends
have been used of the Lord in my life and I am
Thought you might want to know...
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
I am here.
It has been a rough few months for many reasons.
Of course, the surgery but other things too.
Don't we ALL have those other things too??
I know this:
I am, and have depended on God, His WORD,
and the prayers of faithful friends and family.
God is good !!!
"His" WORD brings comfort to my heart and soul.
Are there scriptures you cling too?
I know I have a book full,
The Bible
Today I am clinging to:
Romans 8:28
And we know that all things
work together for good to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
still here

It has been 7 plus weeks. I am still in my immobilizer sling. I sleep in my recliner and do physical therapy 5 times a day at home. I go to pt twice a week.
This has been rough, really rough !!!
I am so thankful for my husband and sisters and daughter and their families who do everything for me ! So thankful for those who continue to pray for healing.
So thankful to the Lord who is patient with me when I am not.
Truly the Lord has brought me thus far through much pain and lack of faith.
Just want some of you to know that I don't see on FB,using my ipod touch
God is good
Thursday, December 2, 2010
on headcoverings
Before I sign off for a few days. I saw this recently....thanks Lisa...and think some of you may want to listen to this:
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
surgery is almost here
Two more days until my surgery. Am I nervous ? "YES"...but I know it is in the Lord's hands. I would love any prayers...for these last two days and of course Friday ! My prayer is that I heal fast and will be back to somewhat NORMAL faster than I anticipate.
I have been so thankful for those of you who have been praying for me the past weeks. I have felt such a "lack of faith" ..I am not proud, but know this is a area I need to work on.
I have my house, Christmas'd...the gifts bought and wrapped (not a whole lot) are being mailed today. I have done some sorting out to make recovery a bit easier.
I have also sped up on my reading through the Bible in a year. I didn't know how good I could read on pain meds....
I will check in when I can ..typing left handed....
love to all of you
BTW...the picture is my sister, Lisa and I on Thanksgiving
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Rag quilt from my sister

This quilt was made by my sister, Trudy for my birthday. She sent it to her daughter, Michelle. When we were on vacation, Michelle gave it to me. I love it !!! It is like getting a (((HUG))) from her !

Here it is again...Just had to share it with you. I love handmade gifts.
.....and since Thanksgiving is just around the corner this is one of my favorite verses on thankfulness:
1 Thessalonians 5:18
In every thing give thanks:
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
I have to admit, I don't always do so good in the area of being thankful for everything.
I do know, it is God's will for me to be thankful for everything. I have to work on this, I think we all do. We are busy here, and yes, surgery is right around the corner. I am nervous. Not sure when I will check in.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving...
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
is the first step to knowing
what is FALSE"
John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him,
I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
I am sorry that I have been so absent from
blogland. I have surgery scheduled the first
week in December. It is torn tendons in my right shoulder
rotator cuff and some repairs. I am trying to get my Christmas shopping done
my house decorated etc.....
I found this out last week, when we returned from vacation.
I will try harder, but no real promises.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thanksgiving Freebie

Here is another FREEBIE from Bird Brain Designs. You can go here to print off the design.
I think it is wonderful that this company provides Free designs. The beauty of embroidery is you can make the colors you want, leave off what you don't want ie: the words, etc....stitch it on anything....I think it is a hobby that is "coming back", or at least I hope so.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Hobby Lobby and thoughts
Can you see the last lines on this sign ? I took this picture when I was on vacation. We don't have Hobby Lobby where I live.
Now.....I am thinking "what if"...what if, other stores did this ? Would it be possible for more people to go to church ? Would they ? The ramifications of businesses closing on Sundays is a bit overwhelming when I think about it. I have to applaud Hobby Lobby for doing this. As a Christian I am glad that my husband doesn't work on Sundays. I know some "have to" ie: police, fireman, health care etc.....but hmmmm....does everyone else have to?.....yet....aren't we all the reason or part of the reason they do ? We shop on Sundays, we go to restaurants on Sundays. I don't know if this will change any of our family's habits but it sure caught my eye and made me "think"...What do you think ?
Thursday, October 28, 2010
missing family
We are home.....and already missing this family that lives some distance from us. We loved meeting and getting to know our new granddaughter.....saying so hard for this Nana. It was a wonderful vacation. We saw other family members we have not seen for years. I am so thankful for this time with my husband I need to unpack...
Friday, October 22, 2010
family and flavors

We are having a wonderful time spending time with our son and family.
and yessss....this includes meeting our new granddaughter.
Oh my...she is so adorable.
Her mom,Gina is such a great mom and you can tell
that this little girl has sure won her dad's heart !!
It is a blessing to see THEM with this little bundle they
love so much. We are so thankful !!!
Our son owns this coffee maker.
Well, it does Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate
So many flavors,
We think is is fun to use.
Do you have one?
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